Welcome to Remedy Remedial

Specialising in chronic injury recovery utilising the latest in sports medicine massage techniques

Live pain free, increase physical performance, move well without injury, recover sooner

Why should you choose our Clinic?

We here at Remedy Remedial are committed to your health

The source of your pain, not the symptoms

We focus on the source of the problem and not just the symptoms – Instead of treating your symptoms for temporary pain relief, we focus on identifying the source of the problem and treat that for long lasting results.

Knowledge is power

With clear explanation of your injury and why you have it, we work with you to achieve habit and movement pattern modification.

Focus on the source of problems

A Speedy Recovery

We provide hands on manual therapy techniques to reduce muscular tension and tightness, improve your mobility and well being, and achieve resolution of your symptoms as quickly as possible.

Private Health / HiCAPS

Health Care rebates are available. Most policies with extras cover will provide a rebate for Remedial Massage.